Julie and Julia for Knitting
Going to do a 'Julie and Julia' with knitting. One square a day for 365 days using the '365 knitting stitches a year perpetual calendar' by Martingale and Co. First day's square - the 'seeded rib'. (Sunday August 16).
Today's square - Nine Stitch Braid - which means I need to learn cables FAST! Is this a good idea? For me, yes - I need to have a goal and need to *really* devote some time to my knitting. This will make me knit every day and also will make me accomplish something. I can make the squares and use them to make afghans - purses- donate some to charity...LOTS of things. I haven't been a "product" knitter lately (actually finishing WIPs)....more of a process knitter. I really want to start finishing some items.
cables are easy and fun. Once you get the basics down, you become addicted.
Pam - you are my first comment!! I'd appreciate any tips on cables!
What a great idea! I'd say I wish I'd thought of it first or that I would join you, but I don't know what I'd do with 365 blocks once I'd finished them: I absolutely HATE to join work. If a project has more than one seam, I keep looking for another!
I'll watch your progress with interest and enthusiasm. Please keep ups posted on knitlist. I often forget to look at other sites unless prompted.
I wish I had your focus, I just seem to meander from one project to another and leave some by the wayside when they get messed up. Good luck with this project, I think it is admirable, what a great way to learn new techniques.
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