Monday, August 24, 2009

A week Later

Well I have temporarily given up on doing the cables until I can find my cable needle or get a new one (I "organized" and I can't find the freaking thing!)...

So I went forward and backwards in the calendar (only in the month of August* which seems to be 90% cables!)...and did a few more squares.

Gate and Ladder Pattern (August 23)
Squares (June 18)* (I forgot that I did kinda skip around :))
Checkerboard (June 19)

Ok my disorganization and/or procrastination is catching up with me. I *thought* I had marked each square with the pattern name. I didn't or if I did, they didn't hold.

I will now do that...but I still have one or two squares that I can't figure out *which* pattern I used....sigh....will I ever learn?

Photos *will* come this week. I promise. My friend, Beth, has a blog "Confessions of a Disorganized Perfectionist". I think mine should be "Confessions of a Disorganized Procrastinator".

1 comment:

BethBG said...

Hey Lix, that was my 2nd choice of name for the blog :-D XX's