Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pictures at Last

Here are pictures of a few of my squares:

Basketweave 2

Large Basketweave

Wavy Rib

Friday, September 4, 2009


Well Thank God it's September (at least for my squares project) means no cables for awhile, lots of knitting while watching both college and pro football *Go Penn State! Go Steelers!!* and quicker finishing....

I finished all the squares this week (CO'ed todays)....and they were great. I even knit a whole one at a meeting the other day and was very disappointed when I ran out of yarn 1/2 way through the meeting with no way to get more....:)

Will try to organize the squares thus far and take pictures and post them. I now have ideas for blankets/afghans for friends and family using the squares as I head into Holiday knitting season.

And Happy Birthday to my Peel Sis, Cran!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Slowly but Surely

I found my cable needle. I don't *love* cables yet but I can slog through them. I did love the woven cables in relief.

No pics yet - will remedy that over the Labor day weekend. I heart the square I'm doing today- it is the blanket rib - very sturdy and textury. September's squares look much less daunting....

I really need to be patient and mark the squares and be sure that I know which ones I have completed.